PaddleSmash Shark Tank | Net Worth Update

In the competitive world of outdoor sports and games, a new contender has emerged, capturing the hearts of families and friends alike: PaddleSmash.

This innovative game, which blends elements of pickleball and spikeball, has made a splash in the market, especially after its successful pitch on Shark Tank.

Let’s dive into the journey of PaddleSmash, from its inception to its current status as a growing brand in the outdoor gaming industry.

The Founders and Invention

The game was invented by structural engineer Joe Bingham, and co-founders Tim Swindle and Scott Brown, both seasoned entrepreneurs in the toy and game industry, joined him in bringing PaddleSmash to the market.

They recognized the potential of Bingham’s invention and, with their combined expertise, refined and marketed the game effectively. Swindle and Brown have a rich background in game invention and retail, contributing significantly to the game’s development and popularity​​​​.

The Shark Tank Pitch

The PaddleSmash Shark Tank Pitch

In Shark Tank Season 15, Swindle and Brown presented PaddleSmash, asking for $250,000 for a 10% equity stake.

Their pitch led to a deal with Sharks Mark Cuban and Robert Herjavec, who offered $250,000 for 20% equity. This investment placed the company’s valuation at $1.25 million. The founders initially sought a $2.5 million valuation but accepted the Sharks’ offer.

The deal aimed to utilize the investment for social media marketing and inventory expansion​​​​​​.

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Post Shark Tank Success

Following the Shark Tank appearance, PaddleSmash experienced a significant boost in sales and public interest.

Founders reported over $100,000 in sales immediately after their episode aired and several hundred thousand dollars over the following weekend.

As of October 2023, although the deal with Cuban and Herjavec hadn’t been finalized, the founders were optimistic about its completion.

The Shark Tank exposure opened many doors for the company, leading to rapid growth and increased popularity​​​​.

Net Worth and Financial Growth

PaddleSmash Net Worth and Financial Growth

PaddleSmash’s estimated net worth, as of 2024, stands at around $3 million. This impressive valuation reflects the game’s popularity and its widespread acceptance as a fun, engaging outdoor activity.

The company’s revenue by the end of 2023 was estimated at $2 million, following a $500k revenue in 2022.

These figures underscore the game’s rapid growth in the market, with a significant increase in sales and consumer interest​​​​.


PaddleSmash’s journey from a backyard invention to a market sensation demonstrates the potential of innovative outdoor games in today’s market.

With strategic marketing, robust product development, and a successful Shark Tank pitch, the company has established itself as a major player in the outdoor gaming industry.

The founders’ expertise and the Sharks’ investment have propelled PaddleSmash to new heights, making it a game to watch in the coming years.

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